Types of Therapy: Which One is Right for You?
Deciding to seek therapy is a significant step toward self-care. However, with numerous options available, finding the right fit can be daunting. Here's a breakdown of different types of therapy to guide your decision-making process:
Child & Adolescent Therapy
Young people do not always understand the importance of the issues they face or the therapy available. Parents often play a role in initial sessions for children under 12, while for teenagers, it is not unusual for parents/guardians to attend jointly at the beginning, but it is rare that they will join the sessions thereafter. Privacy is generally too important to teenagers to have anyone but the therapist present, so for it to be the most effective, most sessions will be one-on-one. Bullying, anxiety, stress, and trauma are some of the most common issues dealt with in child and adolescent therapy.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Examines the link between thoughts and actions, effective for treating substance abuse, anger issues, depression, and anxiety. This type of therapy involves in-depth discussions of how the patient feels about different aspects and situations of life, intending to identify the root cause of the behaviour they wish to change.
Counselling offers support for individuals feeling lost or unfulfilled, providing guidance and perspective on personal challenges. The counsellor then suggests changes the person may make to give them more personal satisfaction, sometimes offering professional advice, and sometimes, just an outsider’s perspective.
Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT)
Focuses on emotions as central to life experiences, teaching coping mechanisms and emotional regulation. According to this school of thought, most of the issues people face can be traced back in some way to our emotional state. An emotionally focused therapist will examine how a patient feels and express their emotions, and teach them new ways to address problematic emotions and promote new ones.
Mindfulness is based on the meditative practices common in East-Asian religions but with a more medical and scientific basis. At its core, mindfulness promotes living in the present rather than dwelling on past events or worrying about the future. It can be used to address a wide range of issues, such as anxiety, addiction, and stress.
Analyses thought processes and behaviours to promote rational thinking and appropriate emotional responses. It also explores sensitive life issues and events, offering personalised strategies for coping and growth.
Relationship Counselling
Couples Counselling aids couples facing challenges such as trust issues, communication barriers, and life transitions, facilitating mutual understanding and happiness. The main purpose of relationship counselling is to ensure that both parties are truly happy in the relationship, restore faith in each other, and provide an impartial mediator to discuss issues that the people involved may not be willing to discuss with friends.
By understanding the nuances of each therapy type, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your needs and preferences. If you would like to avail of counselling of any kind, you can book an in-person or online appointment with us by calling 01 611 1719 or by emailing [email protected]. You can also choose to fill out the Enquiry form at the top of this page and we'll get back to you.
Note: The content in this blog is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.